v. pat·tered, pat·ter·ing, pat·ters v.intr. 1. To make a quick succession of light soft tapping sounds: Rain pattered steadily against the glass. 2. To move with quick, light, softly audible steps. v.tr. To cause to patter. n. A quick succession of light soft tapping sounds: the patter of rain on the rooftops. [Frequentative of PAT1.] |
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
v. pat·tered, pat·ter·ing, pat·ters v.intr. 1. To speak or chatter glibly and rapidly. 2. To mumble prayers in a mechanical manner. v.tr. To utter in a glib, rapid, or mechanical manner. n. 1. The jargon of a particular group; cant. 2. Glib rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, salesperson, or comedian. 3. Meaningless talk; chatter. [Middle English pateren, shortening and alteration of paternoster, paternoster (from the mechanical and rapid recitation of the prayer); see PATERNOSTER.] patter·er n. |
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.