n. 1. One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight. 2. Nautical a. One who, though not belonging to a ship's company, is licensed to conduct a ship into and out of port or through dangerous waters. b. The helmsman of a ship. 3. One who guides or directs a course of action for others. 4. The part of a tool, device, or machine that leads or guides the whole. 5. A pilot light, as in a stove. 6. A television program produced as a prototype of a series being considered for adoption by a network. tr.v. pi·lot·ed, pi·lot·ing, pi·lots 1. To serve as the pilot of (a plane, for example). adj. 1. Serving as a tentative model for future experiment or development: a pilot project. 2. Serving or leading as guide. [Obsolete French, helmsman, from Old French, from Old Italian pilota, alteration of pedota, from Medieval Greek *pēdōtēs, from Greek pēda, steering oar, pl. of pēdon, blade of an oar; see ped- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] |
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