pow·der (pou d ər)
n.1. A substance consisting of ground, pulverized, or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles. 2. Any of various preparations in the form of powder, as certain cosmetics and medicines. 3. A dry explosive mixture, such as gunpowder. 4. Light dry snow. tr.v. pow·dered, pow·der·ing, pow·ders 1. To turn into or produce as a powder: tea that is powdered. 2. To put powder on: powdered the cake with sugar. 3. To strew or ornament with small objects or flecks: The stars powdered the sky. Idioms: keep (one's) powder dry To be ready for a challenge with little warning. take a powder To make a quick departure; run away.
[Middle English poudre, from Old French, from Latin pulvis, pulver-.]
powder·er n. |