v. ram·bled, ram·bling, ram·bles v.intr. ram·bled, ram·bling, ram·bles 1. To move about aimlessly: rambled around the park for an hour; rambled around the southwest. See Synonyms at wander. 2. To walk casually or leisurely: rambled over to the neighbor's house. 3. To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth: Vines rambled over the fence. 4. To speak or write at length and with many digressions: rambled on about his childhood. v.tr. To move about aimlessly through or over: rambled the back streets of town. n. A leisurely, sometimes lengthy walk. [Probably from Middle Dutch *rammelen, to wander about in a state of sexual desire, from rammen, to copulate with.] |
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