ratch·et 1 (răchĭt)
Tweet n. 1. A mechanism consisting of a pawl that engages the sloping teeth of a wheel or bar, permitting motion in one direction only. 2. The pawl, wheel, or bar of this mechanism. v. ratch·et·ed, ratch·et·ing, ratch·ets v.tr. To cause to increase or decrease by increments:tried to ratchet up interest in the program. v.intr. To increase or decrease by increments. [French rochet, from Old French rocquet, head of a lance (from the shape of the teeth), of Germanic origin.] (click for a larger image) ratchet1 |
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
ratch·et 2 (răchĭt)
Tweet n. A dance featuring ratcheting movements of the arms bent at the elbows. adj. Slang Lacking in class, refinement, or good taste. [From RATCHET1 (the dance being introduced in the recording "Do the Ratchet" (1999) by American rapper Anthony Mark "Mr. Mandigo" Mandigo (born 1975)).] |
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.