re·tic·u·late (r ĭ-t ĭk y ə-l ĭt, -l āt ′)
adj.1. Resembling or forming a net or network: reticulate veins of a leaf. 2. Relating to or being an evolutionary process that involves the exchange of genes between organisms of different species, as in the formation of a new species through hybridization. v. (-lāt′) re·tic·u·lat·ed, re·tic·u·lat·ing, re·tic·u·lates To make a net or network of. 2. To mark with lines resembling a network. v.intr. To form a net or network.
[Latin rēticulātus, from rēticulum, diminutive of rēte, net.]
re·ticu·late·ly adv. re·tic′u·lation n. (click for a larger image) reticulateleaves of a caladium plant |