rif·fle  (r ĭf əl)
n.1. a. A rocky shoal or sandbar lying just below the surface of a waterway. b. A stretch of choppy water caused by such a shoal or sandbar; a rapid. c. A wave or ripple in such water. 2. a. In mining, the sectional stone or wood bottom lining of a sluice, arranged for trapping mineral particles, as of gold. b. A groove or block in such a lining. 3. Games The act or an instance of shuffling cards. v. rif·fled, rif·fling, rif·fles v.tr.1. Games To shuffle (playing cards) by holding part of a deck in each hand and raising up the edges before releasing them to fall alternately in one stack. 2. To thumb through (the pages of a book, for example). v.intr.1. Games To shuffle cards. 2. To flow in rough waves or become choppy, as water.
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