san·guine  (s ăng gw ĭn)
adj.1. a. Cheerfully confident; optimistic: sanguine about the prospects for an improved economy. b. At ease; accepting: "Deborah was generally sanguine about the women in Franklin's life" (Walter Isaacson). 2. Archaic a. Having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology. b. Having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate. 3. a. Of the color of blood; red. b. Of a healthy reddish color; ruddy: a sanguine complexion.
[Middle English, blood-red, dominated by the humor blood, ruddy, from Old French sanguin, from Latin sanguineus, bloody, blood-red, from sanguis, sanguin-, blood.]
sanguine·ly adv. sanguine·ness, san·guini·ty n. |