v. shaved, shaved or shav·en (shāvən), shav·ing, shaves v.tr. 1. a. To remove the beard or other body hair from, with a razor or shaver: The barber lathered his face and then shaved him. b. To cut (the beard, for example) at the surface of the skin with a razor or shaver. 2. To crop, trim, or mow closely: shave a meadow. 3. a. To remove thin slices from: shave a board. b. To cut or scrape into thin slices; shred: shave chocolate. 4. To come close to or graze in passing. See Synonyms at brush1. 5. a. To reduce by a small amount: shaved two months from the schedule. b. To cut (a price) by a slight margin. c. To purchase (a note) at a reduction greater than the legal or customary rate. d. To limit the number of (points) scored by one's own team in an athletic contest by point-shaving. v.intr. To remove the beard or other body hair with a razor or shaver. n. 1. The act, process, or result of shaving. 2. A thin slice or scraping; a shaving. 3. Any of various tools used for shaving. [Middle English shaven, to scrape, from Old English sceafan.] |
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