strug·gle (str ŭg əl)
v. strug·gled, strug·gling, strug·gles v.intr.1. To exert muscular energy, as against a material force or mass: struggled with the heavy load. 2. a. To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking: struggled for years before breaking through as an actor. b. To have difficulty or make a strenuous effort doing something: struggled to be polite. c. To move or progress with difficulty: struggled up the steep slope. 3. To contend or compete: "Right and wrong ... will ever continue to struggle" (Abraham Lincoln). To move or place (something) with an effort: struggled the heavy desk into the elevator. n.1. The act of struggling: the rat's struggle to escape the snake's coils. 2. A strenuous effort in the face of difficulty: the struggle for civil rights. 3. Strife, contention, or combat: armed struggle. 4. Something that is difficult to do or achieve: Getting him to agree will be a struggle.
[Middle English struglen.]
struggler n. struggling·ly adv. |