ti·dy (t īd ē)
adj. ti·di·er, ti·di·est 1. a. Orderly and clean in appearance: keeps the apartment tidy. b. Given to keeping things clean and in order: a tidy housekeeper. 2. Informal Adequate; satisfactory: a tidy arrangement. 3. Informal Substantial; considerable: a tidy sum. v. ti·died, ti·dy·ing, ti·dies v.tr. To clean or put in order: tidied up the house. v.intr. To make things clean or orderly: tidied up after dinner. n. pl. ti·dies A decorative protective covering for the arms or headrest of a chair.
[Middle English tidi, in season, healthy, from tide, time; see TIDE1.]
tidi·ly adv. tidi·ness n. |