tox·ic (t ŏk s ĭk)
adj.1. Of, relating to, or caused by a toxin or other poison: a toxic condition; toxic hepatitis. 2. Capable of causing injury or death, especially by chemical means; poisonous: toxic industrial waste. 3. a. Extremely risky or harmful, as a debt for which the borrower is in default and the collateral has lost so much value that its sale cannot cover the amount of the loan. b. Causing social tension or unpleasantness: a toxic personality. n. A toxic chemical or other substance.
[Late Latin toxicus, from Latin toxicum, poison, from Greek toxikon, poison for arrows, poison, from neuter of toxikos, of a bow, from toxon, bow, from Old Persian *taxša-, an arrow.]
toxi·cal·ly adv. |