vol·un·teer  (v ŏl ′ən-tîr )
n. 1. A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily: an information booth staffed by volunteers; hospital volunteers. 2. A person who chooses to enter a branch of the military without being drafted or forced to do so by law. 3. Law A person who works without pay or who assumes an obligation to which that person is not a party or in which that person is not otherwise interested. 4. Botany A cultivated plant growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed. adj. 1. Being, consisting of, or done by volunteers: volunteer firefighters; volunteer tutoring. 2. Botany Growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed. Used of a cultivated plant or crop. v. vol·un·teered, vol·un·teer·ing, vol·un·teers v. tr. 1. To give or offer to give voluntarily: volunteered their services; volunteer to give blood. 2. Informal To compel (someone) to do something: We were volunteered to do the dishes. v. intr. 1. To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will. 2. To choose to enter military service of one's own free will. 3. To do charitable or helpful work without pay: Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers.
[Obsolete French voluntaire, from Old French, voluntary, from Latin voluntārius; see VOLUNTARY.] |