adj. wet·ter,
wet·test 1. Covered or soaked with a liquid, such as water: a wet towel.
2. Not yet dry or firm: wet paint.
3. a. Stored in or prepared with water or other liquids.
b. Characterized by the use or presence of water or liquid reagents: wet chemistry.
c. Involving the performance of experiments rather than the design or analysis of them: a wet lab.
4. a. Rainy, humid, or foggy: wet weather.
b. Characterized by frequent or heavy precipitation: a wet climate.
5. Informal Allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages: a wet county.
n.1. Something that wets; moisture.
2. Rainy or snowy weather: go out into the wet.
3. Informal One who supports the legality of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.