tr.v. wiped,
wipes 1. a. To subject to light rubbing or friction, as with a cloth or paper, in order to clean or dry.
b. To clean or dry by rubbing: wiped my feet before I went inside.
c. To rub, move, or pass (a cloth, for example) over a surface.
2. a. To remove by or as if by rubbing: wipe off dirt; wipe away grease.
b. To blot out completely, as from the memory.
3. a. To spread or apply by or as if by wiping: wiped furniture polish over the table.
b. To form (a joint) in plumbing by spreading solder with a piece of cloth or leather.
n.1. The act or an instance of wiping.
2. Something, such as a towel or tissue, used for wiping.
3. A cam that activates another part; a wiper.
4. a. A blow or swipe.
b. Informal A jeer; a gibe.
5. A transition from one scene in a film or movie to another, effected by means of a line passing across the screen.
wipe out1. To destroy or be destroyed completely.
2. Slang To murder.
3. Sports To lose one's balance and fall, as when skiing or surfing.