n. 1. a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed: a chapel where worship is held daily. 2. Ardent admiration or love; adoration: the worship of celebrities. 3. often Worship Chiefly British Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship. v. wor·shiped, wor·ship·ing, wor·ships or wor·shipped or wor·ship·ping v.tr. 1. To honor and love as a deity. 2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. See Synonyms at revere1. v.intr. To participate in religious rites of worship. [Middle English worshipe, worthiness, honor, from Old English weorthscipe : weorth, worth; see WORTH1 + -scipe, -ship.] worship·er, worship·per n. |
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