ze·bu (z ēb , -by )
n. A domesticated ox (Bos indicus syn. B. taurus subsp. indicus) native to Asia and Africa, having a prominent hump on the back and a large dewlap.
[French zébu, general name for the animal introduced by Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, from the name under which a zebu was displayed at the Paris fair in 1752, possibly from colloquial Tibetan dzo-po, male offspring of a cow and a yak bull (from from Classical Tibetan mdzo-po : mdzo, cow and yak bull hybrid + -po, suffix for males) or a kindred Tibeto-Burman source, or perhaps from Tibetan ze-ba, the hump of a zebu, camel, or similar animal.] (click for a larger image) zebuBos indicus |