v. squint·ed, squint·ing, squints v.intr. 1. To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight. 2. a. To look or glance sideways. b. To look askance, as in disapproval. 3. To have an indirect reference or inclination. 4. To be affected with strabismus. v.tr. 1. To cause to squint. 2. To close (the eyes) partly while looking. n. 1. The act or an instance of squinting. 2. a. A sideways glance. b. A quick look or glance: Take a squint at this view. 3. An oblique reference or inclination. 4. See strabismus. 5. A hagioscope. adj. 1. Looking obliquely or askance. 2. Squint-eyed. [Short for ASQUINT.] squinter n. squinty adj. |
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